Derek S

Derek S

“They led us and pulled us out of our comfort zone, they asked the questions we needed addressed. They lit a fire under us”
Rob M

Rob M

“Michael came in, with his team, and it was really kind of, more or less, a calming force and setting the tone and creating direction, allowing us to move forward and get the job done effectively and efficiently”
John L

John L

“Trampetti helped us think through the specific roles of each team member, their strengths & weaknesses, to help us maximize the output of the team”
Simone R

Simone R

“Trampetti’s very clean and simple way of expressing the steps I needed to take was a huge blessing and helped me unblock my overthinking”
Carl H

Carl H

“Trampetti has shown us how to take book knowledge and make it applicable to our everyday routines while helping us better focus on important details”